Tool Review - HomeIQ

Providing clients with a free, automated home value report each month.

HomeIQ - 75+% Open Rate!

Realtors, are you giving your clients a monthly snapshot of their home value? I have used HomeBot and similar tools in the past and can say that HomeIQ is the best I’ve seen so far.

We send out hundreds of these every month, all automated, and are currently getting a 78% open rate.

Clients love all of the features listed below:

  • 🌟 Unveil Your Home's True Worth: Discover your home's current market value and the hidden equity you might be sitting on! (You can modify this for clients with your own data!)

  • 📊 Insights for Sellers: Thinking about selling? Arm yourself with our net sheet for an in-depth analysis of potential expenses and gains.

  • 🔍 Mortgage Mastery: Keep your mortgage details at your fingertips with our intuitive loan tracking tool.

  • 🏠 Rental Revenue Insights: Explore the possibilities of renting out your property with up-to-date trends and profit projections.

  • 💡 Smart Affordability Calculator: Contemplating a move? Let our calculator guide your budgeting for a seamless transition to your next dream home. ... and that's just the beginning!

Interested? Check out the attached PDF with a snapshot of all the free features. The best part is that we’re picking up the tab—there's no cost to you.

Full Breakdown of Features.pdf6.77 MB • PDF File

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